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Helpful Information.
We've tried to cover as much as we can with these Q&A's but please drop us a line if you have a question we haven't answered.
About Toy Hub
Why was Toy Hub created?
Toy Hub was created to ensure no child within the Berkhamsted and Tring areas (HP4 and HP23 postcodes), goes without a gift this Christmas.
Who runs Toy Hub?
Toy Hub is run entirely by volunteers, local to Berkhamsted and Tring.
Which areas do we cover?
We cover Berkhamsted, Tring and surrounding villages within the HP4 and HP23 postcode areas only. Please see our Community page if you don’t fall within this area, as there may be another service which can provide support.
When will donations open?
Money donations are open now, please see our donations page for more details. Physical donations will open in Autumn.
When will applications open?
Applications will open in the Autumn, please check back in September for specific timings. Applications will be open for approximately 4 weeks during the month of October & November.
Do you have any intention of expanding the area in which the charity supports?
We only cover families within the HP4 and HP23 postcode areas.
Applying for support
How do I apply for support?
Please complete the application form on our ‘Apply’ page.
Why do we need to collect information about your child? Why do you ask these questions?
So that we can make sure your gifts are as suitable for your child as possible. We will take into consideration age and your child’s areas of interest.
There is something I need to tell you that I feel is relevant to my application/the reason I am applying...
Don't panic, there is a section for this on the form.
An organisation has suggested I apply....
We have a referral system in place with other local organisations. If they have suggested you apply to us, PLEASE DO!
Criteria we use to determine who we can help....
We need to make sure that the people most in need of our service, benefit from it. This means that we will look at the support you may be receiving. We also take applications direct from local services and organisations, as we know not everyone will be receiving benefits.
What age range do you cover?
We cover children from birth up to the age of 18.
What happens once I've competed my application?
Your application will be reviewed to ensure that we are able to offer our support. We will then send an email out to confirm if Toy Hub will be able to provide you with support this Christmas. We hope to be able to review your application and let you know the outcome around the beginning of November, give or take a week or so.
Please note; We WILL let you know the outcome of your application. If you haven't heard back from us, please be patient. We promise we will be in contact. However, if you haven't heard anything by 14th November please email us at But don't forget to check your junk mail first!
Duplicate applications (same child/children, but different addresses) will not be successful.
Which state-funded support payments meet the criteria?
Income support
Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance
Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
The guaranteed element of State Pension Credit
Child Tax Credit (as long as you're not also entitled to working Tax Credit and you don't get more than £16,190 a year)
Working Tax Credit run-on (paid for 4 weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit)
Universal Credit (with annual earned income of no more than £7,400 after tax and not including any benefits you get)
Successful applications
You will be contacted by email to tell you whether or not your application has been successful.
Toy Hub hopes to provide you with at least one, unwrapped gift complete with wrapping paper to give to your child/children on Christmas Day.
Depending on donations received, we hope to provide one gift relevant or equivalent to their current interests. Toy Hub will check all donations are of acceptable quality, on receipt of them being donated and then again before they are delivered to you.
We aim to deliver all gift/s during the last week of November. This is to ensure that you don't have to worry and can enjoy wrapping the gift/s yourself.
You will be contacted by phone to arrange delivery. We will do our best to meet the preferences you chose on the ‘Delivery Preferences’ form. Our number will appear as 'withheld'. We will attempt to contact you three times to arrange delivery. If we fail to make contact on our third attempt, unless you make contact by email (within 24 hours), we regret that we will be unable to deliver to you and therefore unable to offer you our support.
Upon delivery you will be required to sign a delivery note and acceptance that you agree to the condition of the gifts that you have been given by Toy Hub. Once they have been delivered to you and you have accepted and signed for them Toy Hub accepts NO responsibility for them thereafter.
Can I collect?
Sorry, there is NO option for you to collect.
Can you deliver to a different address?
Toy Hub will only deliver to the address provided in your application form.
Wrapping paper
We hope we will be able to supply you with a roll of wrapping paper with your delivery.
Batteries will be supplied where necessary.
What do I do if a gift breaks?
We’re really sorry, but once gifts have been delivered and signed for, they become your responsibility. We try our absolute best to make sure that every gift is in full working order, when it is delivered to you.
Can I choose my gifts?
Sorry, this just isn’t possible. We will however endeavour your chid receives a gift/s within your specified areas of interest, where possible.
Will the gifts be new?
Your delivery will contain a mix of new and nearly new gifts. We hope to be able to provide one new gift per child. Subject to donations received. We make sure any nearly new gifts are in great, working, condition with no missing pieces.
What should I expect to receive?
We can't stress enough that we rely solely on donations. Dependant on donations, we hope to provide each child with a new or nearly new gift and a small selection of age appropriate gifts.
Cancelling an application for support.
If you no longer need support from Toy Hub, please drop us an email to ensure your application is cancelled.
Email –
How can I drop-off items to Toy Hub?
We will have centrally located drop-off points with parking, based in both Tring and Berkhamsted. Please keep an eye on our website and social media pages.
How we use your donations?
All donations are re-gifted to local families.
How do you use financial donations?
Financial donations will be used to source gifts, particularly if/where we are lacking gifts for certain ages. If you make a monetary donation, please be assured that you will be helping us fulfil our mission.
What donations are we looking for?
We are looking for donations of *new or *nearly new gifts for 0-18 year olds.
If you would like to donate, but don't have anything physical, there are lots of ways you can make a monetary contribution. Please see our Donate Page.
Our rule of thumb “If you would wrap it up and give it to your own child, then we would love to accept it”.......
We generally accept most things, but please check our “NO's” below.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE do not donate us things that are broken, incomplete (eg puzzles or games with missing pieces) It really increases our workload. We have so many volunteers working really hard, we don’t want their time wasted hunting for missing parts.
We kindly ask that you DO NOT DONATE the following….
NO - Anything broken or with missing pieces.
NO - Incomplete LEGO and Duplo sets. Although WE WILL accept dismantled/loose LEGO and Duplo in a bag
NO - Books with torn/missing pages.
NO - Half used/scribbled/torn colouring books. Even if it is only one page, we can’t accept it.
NO - Plug-in toys.
NO - Soft toys WITHOUT CE labels.
NO - Puzzles/games with missing pieces.
NO - Clothing (fancy dress we will accept)
NO - Opened/used toiletries/perfumes/aftershaves.
What if there are donations left over?
Toy Hub aims to run as leanly as possible. Our zero-waste policy ensures if we have any physical gifts remaining after our annual collection and distribution windows have closed, they will be given to other local charities to be distributed to families in need.
More about volunteering
Like Christmas itself, the secret to Toy Hub’s success is all in the planning and the people involved. And it wouldn’t be anything without our generous volunteers who help put the plan into action. If you are interested in volunteering for Toy Hub, please read on…
Unlike other volunteering work, we don’t need a regular weekly commitment but we would ask if you could commit to help us on three separate occasions during a five-week period commencing the beginning of November. A couple of hours/half a day/a full day/an evening, whatever suits you, but on three separate occasions would really help us.
We would like our volunteers to experience the entire process. This basically consists of, sorting, packing and delivering.
It's also worth saying you’re not limited to three slots across the five-week period. Many hands make light work and we would love you to stick around for more shifts – if you fancy it! Please visit the volunteering page to submit your details.
Also (worth saying). Obviously if you can't do three separate occasions, but are still really keen to volunteer - we won't say no!
How do I volunteer?
Please complete the form on our "Volunteer' page and we will be in contact.
How old do I have to be too volunteer?
Over 18's only.
Where does the volunteering take place?
Base camp is in Berkhamsted.
Is there parking?
Yes. There is parking available on the road.
Is it accessible?
Unfortunately there are stairs. However, we will have lots of sorting to do. If you'd like to volunteer but the stairs are a problem, please let us know and I'm sure we can come up with a solution.
Do I need to drive?
Driving is not essential, but it is a bonus!
Information for supporters
Where will my company logo appear?
Your logo will appear on our website in the Sponsors section.
Will there be a link to my business page from the Toy Hub website?
Yes, if you would like this, please discuss this with one of our team who can arrange it for you.
In what format should I send in my logo?
PNG, PDF, EPS or high resolution JPEG please.
Where else might my logo appear?
Unless otherwise requested, Toy Hub may choose to use your logo on any marketing material (including social media) for the campaign for which your company is kindly sponsoring us.